June 10, 2012

African Stripes - Registration

African Stripes String~Along 
Open Registration

We will be making a pair of 50" bead crocheted necklaces that will be designed to wear together. Participants will get a pattern section (or two) each week to string and crochet.  At this point I don't have any idea what the final pieces are going to look like as I'll be designing them as I go along.

My colors or colors you choose, come join us for a fun journey.  It's sort of like the old serialized magazine stories - you don't know what's next...

Africa - mud cloth and Zulu love letters - are the inspiration for this pattern set.  The cost of the entire string-along is $34.00 through PayPal. Limited to 40 participants.


You should be comfortable with the slip-stitch bead crochet technique. You will be working with 8/0 beads,  pattern graphs, stringing tables and adding each section to the last one. A FaceBook Group has been set up to share progress, colors, inspiration, and photos. It works like an extended workshop with lots of help, discussion and a few giggles thrown in.


  1. I hope I am not late? :)

  2. Anonymous6:17 AM

    Judith, I would like to know if you would consider a second tier of membership in this class. The need to limit the class size, so that interaction remains individualized is understood. Would it be possible to allow a "silent tier" to bead along, read the instructions and Q&A, etc, without contributing? Those of us who were too late to register could still benefit, and as for myself, I'm certainly willing to pay the full tuition. Thank you for your consideration. Terri (terri@elltel.net)

    1. So sorry, but I have enough trouble keeping up with 40 people without adding another level of participants. There may be another one in early winter. Check back then.
