August 11, 2010

Creative Impulse

I always have these little bits of leftover beads when I finish a project; not enough to re-sort back into the bead boxes. In the past I've had small tubes of these leftovers here, there and everywhere. Yesterday I ran across this Pyrex lab beaker and had a thought . . . that it just might look pretty filling up with bright bits of colored beads. I put it in an old iron candle stand I had and it's on my desk, looking quite elegant. Wonder how many beads will fill a 200 ML beaker?

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous4:27 PM

    Once you got a good chunk of beads in it; you could use it as the base for a contest.

    Guess how many beads. Come the closest without going over and win (insert prize).

    Candys in Oklahoma Bead of My Heart
